Risky in Pink
As well as the main tent tours the five original members of NoFit State used to go off and perform as either The Dangerous Duo or Risky In Pink. Risky consisted of Tom Rack, Peter Gregory and Richard Turner and was a comedy club juggling show- suitable for street, cabaret, festivals, families and numerous other occasions. In between tent touring, and to help fund the main tour, Risky and the Dangerous Duo would zap across the country undertaking hundreds of shows. The shows also offered a good way of raising extra income outside of the main touring season. In the early days it was not unknown to perform 4-5 times in a day driving hundreds of miles between gigs each day.
There were various incarnations of the show but after attending an acrobatics workshop by Johnny Hutch (who was in his 70s) the group were inspired by the possibility of table diving. They created a reinforced table which became their mini stage and all routines form juggling to unicycle took place on the table. The table diving and juggling worked really well until Risky went to Edinburgh and performed on cobbled streets. Their backs have been knackered ever since!
NB: Risky in Pink were known for their costume of bright pink shell suit trousers- this was before such attire became commonplace and as the trend grew the group were forced to change costumes to something less chavvy!
Risky Won the £2000 first prize at the Cardiff Street Entertainers of the Year Competition and also the Glasgow City of Culture Street Entertainers competition in 1990