Education and Outreach

Addysgol a Chymunedol


Workshops in the Park

Workshops, and getting people to play, rather than just to watch, has been a foundation of NoFit State since the beginning.

Teaching added to the chances to make a living, it expanded the nature of the touring show(s) and it had great rewards in terms of the social outreach of the work. The real value of Physical Literacy is only now coming into focus, but it has always been clear to the circus that kids who might find standard PE and sports boring dive into circus skills as far more engaging and interesting – and they become fit, almost in passing. Workshops also form a crucial part of drawing people into performance, as they continue into part of the rehearsal process.

Dance workshop for Stepping Stones project

Weekly workshops in ground-based skills ran at the community hall in Metal Street ran for years, and from there emerged Splott State Circus.

Moving to The AnneXe in Ebenezer Chapel allowed the classes to expand into aerial rigging and related work.

John Street was custom-built for the WNO and was an almost perfect option with both a large dance studio, and a high-ceilinged hall for rigging.

Gavin running a circus workshop with the Trinity Asylum Seeker Project
Trinity Refugee Project

The biggest things to emerge from these thousands of workshops, over 30 years, were probably Splott State Circus (with showcases in Splott in the Landscape shows), and, more recently NoFit State Youth Circus.

We are (right now!) working on offering you some video and pictures of these projects, but the curtain goes up on the website any moment now!

Workshops in the Park

Mae cynnal gweithdai, a chael pobl i chwarae yn hytrach na dim ond gwylio, wedi bod yn bwysig i NoFit State ers y dechrau.

Roedd dysgu’n ein helpu i wneud bywoliaeth, roedd yn rhoi elfen ychwanegol i’r sioe(au) teithiol ac roedd ymestyn allan i gymunedau yn gwneud lles mawr. Dim ond nawr rydyn ni’n sylweddoli gwir werth Llythrennedd Corfforol, ond bu’n amlwg i ni erioed bod llawer o blant sydd ddim yn hoffi gwersi ymarfer corff a chwaraeon arferol wrth eu bodd â sgiliau syrcas – a’u bod yn dod yn heini, bron heb feddwl. Yn ogystal, mae gweithdai'n rhan hanfodol o'r broses o dynnu pobl i mewn i berfformiadau, wrth iddyn nhw barhau'n rhan o'r ymarferion.

Dance workshop for Stepping Stones project

Cynhaliwyd gweithdai wythnosol mewn sgiliau llawr yn y neuadd gymunedol yn Metal Street am flynyddoedd a dyna oedd dechreuad Syrcas y Sblot.

Pan symudwyd i randy Capel Ebeneser, roedd modd ehangu'r dosbarthiadau i gynnwys rigiau awyr a gwaith cysylltiedig.

Roedd adeilad John Street wedi'i ddatblygu’n bwrpasol ar gyfer Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru ac roedd y lle bron yn berffaith gyda stiwdio ddawns fawr a neuadd â nenfwd uchel ar gyfer y rigin.

Gavin yn rhedeg gweithdy syrcas gyda Phrosiect Ceiswyr Lloches y Drindod

Trinity Refugee Project

Mae’n debyg mai’r pethau mwyaf i ymddangos o ganlyniad i filoedd o weithdai, dros 30 mlynedd, oedd Syrcas y Sblot (gydag ymddangosiadau yn sioeau Splott in the Landscape), ac, yn ddiweddarach, Syrcas Ieuenctid NoFit State.

Rydyn ni wrthi (y funud yma!) yn paratoi clipiau fideo a lluniau o’r prosiectau hyn ond bydd y wefan yn barod i chi ei gweld yn fuan iawn, iawn!