- Performer
French and American
Juliette Christmann and Rachel Sciffer have been in the air since the moment they met and before. After completing the Arc-en-Cirque formation at the Chambéry circus school in France, Juliette performed across Europe as a cradle base and wire dancer with the touring company, Tréteaux du Cœur Volant. Meanwhile, in the US, Rachel was also performing as a cradle flyer and wire dancer with the international youth circus, Circus Smirkus. Then, the two met training one spring day in Paris. The solo porteuse and voltigeuese partnered up to create a new female cradle duo and their new act and working partnership took off running (flying?). Juliette and Rachel have trained in France and London working with coaches from the traditional and contemporary circus worlds and they have performed across Europe in both tented and theater based shows. Les Mesdemoiselles are all smiles in the air. Juliette makes difficult tricks look simple as Rachel flies through the air with ease making daring tricks look like they are nothing but fun. Which they are...